Thursday, September 06, 2007

24 More Years!

Apocolypse, originally uploaded by Juxtaposedface.

From Me: (all e-mailed to friends)

Hello Folks,

I have aged. Or will officially age on the 11th. Never forget.
This is my first birthday without my twin tower. Come help me celebrate my 24th year of life and my first year of solitude - the only way I know how to celebrate = with pizza, beer, and ping pong.

Happy Village
1059 N. Wolcott Ave.
8:00 pm
Tuesday - September 11,2007 (a school night!)

Grab your pizza of choice before you get there. I am getting mine from Pizza Metro. (This is because it is delicious.)
There is also a Tamale man that stops by the bar. So, there are options. I am looking out for you here.

It is supposed to be in the 60's that night, so come enjoy the last bit of patio season with your friend and mine - me.
If all goes according to plan I should be drunk by 8:15.

Call if you have questions. And bring friends. So I feel popular.

From Megan:

It's time to choose sides, people. You know that scenic Ann Arbor with its Huron River, one hipster bar and your more favorite twin is the better option. Forget this hobag.

From Me:

Yeah and when you choose that side remember what side you are choosing - one full of non-shaven legs, the stink of patchouli oil, and massive amounts of String Cheese Incident. At least all of us city dwelling, bike riding, PBR drinking hipsters are saving the world fashionably. While wearing deodorant. My twin is a dumb dyke! Happy Birthday Megan!!!

From Mike: (He wishes he was our twin. Then maybe our parents would love him more.)
Fuck that noise. Come to New Orleans and get the best of both worlds.
Don't believe that there are only two options available to you.
There is a third (and fourth and fifth and so on)! And even though I
don't know twice as many as half of you in this reply, you can bring
me presents for my upcoming birthday. Boycott the twins!

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