Saturday, May 28, 2011

New New Orleans

I am reading three books set in New Orleans.

Two of these books are for a class and one is for pure pleasure. Take a guess at which one? I'll give you a hint - there are vampires.

I started to read Infinite Jest, but realized that I was also reading Faulkner, and the combined effect of both authors was doing strange, long-winded things to my writing. I scaled it back with some Anne Rice. I recently friended her on Facebook and it was probably one of my better Facebook decisions. I really enjoy her status updates about missing New Orleans and the state of the Catholic Church. I feel like I have a lot in common with her views. And she has been pulling wacky publicity stunts long before Lady Gaga's egg. Behold:

Time to get some work done and hopefully summon up the will and strength to workout. Still sick feeling. It is still cold outside. And I still can't find a reasonably priced, aesthetically pleasing bike for short ladies under five feet. Any suggestions?

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