Friday, November 09, 2007


So, I am in New Orleans rocking it hard with Sandra Rae. She is quite possibly stronger than Frank Miller's Batman in A Dark Knight.

In our daily coming and goings we often drive past the 17th street canal. You know the one:

Some awesome person has taken it upon themselves to build a huuuuuuuge mansion right where the levee broke. It is huge. But, not as huge as their balls. (Or ovaries respectively.) I love them.

Speaking of balls - imagine the Mona Lisa without her smile. Hurts, don't it?

Now imagine my Pug, Pugsley, without his big black balls. Hurts worst, right?

Pug Slurp, originally uploaded by Juxtaposedface.

After 14 years of life Mr. Pugsley may be facing his remaining years as a Castratto. (There are medical reasons for this.)

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