Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Southern Wild

My twin sent me this article today about New Orleans director Benh Zeitlin's feature length debut - Beasts of the Southern Wild.

I am excited - very, very excited. I am new to the Benh Zeitlin parade, but I am glad I stumbled upon it just the same. It is Carnival season after all.
Since I am new to the worlds of Benh Zeitlin, I watched his twenty-five minute long film "Glory at Sea" for the first time today. It captured the South's habit, intentionally or not, of referencing Greek antiquity in everyday life in a rag-tag, bastardized kind of way. Just ask a local how to pronounce Calliope Street. (Call-ee-ope Street, dawlin'!) The film reminded me a lot of Orpheus's journey down into Hades to find Eurydice. They also have the ruins of Jazz Land in the background and a floating Eliysian Fields street sign.

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