Thursday, March 11, 2010

Morning Funnies

I kind of miss getting a newspaper and going straight to the funny pages. I have the internet now so I can deal. My morning pretty much begins the same way, but there is no Curtis or Family Circus.

Natalie Dee - 03-04-10 - Just have another pint of ice cream just to be safe.
Achewood - 03-11-10
Overcompensating - 03-11-10

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Cleaning

It has been foggy and spooky in Chicago thanks in part to the warmer temperatures. I fantasize regularly about sun filled bike rides and sitting on my front porch during all my homework time. Not there yet, but soon.
I even walked home from the Ukranian Village to Logan Square after a lovely time at Lauren's fancy brunch on Saturday. It was a perfect day. (Lauren you need to teach me how to do Triptychs.)
Spring also means spring cleaning. The ladies and I are planning respective wardrobe inspections to help assess what we need to give to the Goodwill gods and what we should keep. I suspect it will be a lot like this.

As for the clothing ambitions, I really want Rachel Bilson, Michelle Williams and Zooey Deschanel to form a clothing line for petite ladies. In the meantime, I hope to emulate Zoeey in this music video for much of my future fashion choices.

I am now using Kaboodle to make this dream a reality.

Thursday, March 04, 2010


Megan, Lauren and I took in a movie at the local Kerasotes for free popcorn night. I really love seeing movies in the middle of the week. It is cheaper, plus hello, free popcorn. And the crowds are always interesting. In all honesty, I could see a movie any day of the week. So, I should just say, "I really love seeing movies."

We each smuggled in a La Croix. We have all given up soda for Lent. I ate a lot less popcorn as a consequence, which I suppose is a plus.

We saw "The Crazies".

I have a horror movie addiction. It probably stems back to my twin and me watching them with my brother and dad when we were little. A good horror movie has all the right elements for me - suspense, catharsis, conflict and excitement. And this movie did not disappoint. It was edge of your seat scary, great cinematography and solid acting. I have never seen Romero's original, so I can't really compare. I will make a point to now. It will be just like when I watched assigned horror movies for my Horror and Sci-Fi class in college. You read right - I watched horror movies for a grade.

But, seriously how bad could "The Crazies" be? It has American Jedi Timothy Olyphant. I have coined the term "Olyphantastic" since seeing this movie. He just is Olyphantastic. He is pretty much great in everything I have seen him in. Except for "Catch and Release". I do not know how you can mess up Sydney Bristow and Seth Bullock in one movie, but they did.

Seriously though - you have to love that mad man Bullock.