Saturday, May 24, 2008


Hi Everybody!

Things have been really busy as usual. I have been doing some substituting and working with this program called New Orleans Outreach. I get to see the wee ones performing acts of Poetry, Martial Arts, Yoga and African Dance. Almost all of the kids I work with are bigger than me. I think they think I am a Child Spy.

The students and teachers I work with are generally awesome. The students are just out of control cute. Most days they blow my mind with how insightful and bright they are.

Only downside is they talk a lot of trash when they play me in Tether Ball.

In other news - my mom is sprouting hair and going out to bars at night. Holy Crap!

I am also bracing myself for the summer heat. When I ride my bike here, all forms of dust, debris, and bugs stick to me - so I never feel clean.

It will be nice to ride in good ol' Critical Mass next week in a cooler climate. See you soon Chi-town.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pugsley Ram Juneau


Me and My Arrow

I have spent the entire day Eulogizing one of the greatest monsters to ever walk the earth. Pugsley Ram Juneau went to Heaven today.

Pugsley had become completely incontinent and could not stand without one of us physically lifting him up. His back legs stopped working and he was peeing something that looked like egg yolk. We took him to the Vet today hoping for the best and fearing the worst.

Not before stopping at the Magic Window so he could have Hash Browns.

His endorsement beats Iron Man's.

Our Vet and us all tearfully decided that Pugsley has been in too much pain and his medication was no longer helping. He went with a stomach full of greasy fast food, surrounded by a cadre of tearful adorers, and in hazy blissed out fog. There is a huge Pug shaped hole is my heart right now.

Chief Blood Orange Satsuma Ugly Fruit Kumquat - You Will Be Missed.