Thursday, April 26, 2007

Corporate Identity

Corporate Identity, originally uploaded by Juxtaposedface.

Here are my new ID’s. They get me into special places like the bathroom. I am super stoked about that. I look like I eat puppy souls for a living in my id photos.

I think that photocopying will eventually make me barren. Just a hunch I have. My new job places me right next to Millennium Park, which will be lovely once Chicago stops being an abusive husband. He beats me every time I burn the eggs. I make him be so cold to me because I am just so careless. But, then there are days where Chicago tells me I am pretty and I like living here.

Today was “Bring your children to work day” and there were lots of giggling kids running up and down the office. Megan said she saw a father and son eating ice cream walking in the loop. That’s super cute. Too bad massive amounts of photocopying made my womb shrivel up and die today.

I also saw Bright Eyes this Tuesday. The whole band wore white and there were flowers everywhere. I cried. It was pretty. My mom says I am sensitive.

PS - I have changed the Bright Eyes video on this post like three times. God I love Youtube.

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